Presenting the results of FET Traces in Brussels
Petra Schaper-Rinkel,Empirical evidence for a high-impact research funding programme. Impact assessment of FET Open und FET Proactive. Presentation for the FET Programme Committee, March 23, 2018, Brussels

About the FET_Traces Project:
The FET_Traces project measured and assessed the direct and indirect impacts of the FET programme on the science and technology landscape and its perception by individual researchers who are potential proposers for FET Open and FET Proactive projects. The impact assessment was based on a comprehensive theoretic foundation, it developed a targeted indicator set covering central aspects of the FET mission like novelty, multi-disciplinarity, innovation eco-systems, and becoming a relevant player in the European funding landscape.
For the data collection standard impact assessment methods like bibliometrics, patent analysis, online surveys and workshops were used, but also an innovative method for determining the level of novelty of FET projects (LDA-analysis) was applied. In addition to the impact assessment strategies of selected “successful”, breakthrough-projects were analysed and communicated at the according FET conference. The study also included insights from FET-like funders on national levels in Europe. A final report summarised main results and included policy recommendations.
See: Schmoch, U., Beckert, B. und Schaper-Rinkel, P., 2019, Impact assessment of a support programme of science-based emerging technologies, Scientometrics 118(3), 1141-1161,