Industry 4.0 futures analysis – Workshop in Buenos Aires, 12.02.2015 at CIECTI

La Dra. Ladenheim junto a la Dra. Petra Schaper-Rinkel del Instituto Austríaco de Tecnología.
La Dra. Ladenheim junto a la Dra. Petra Schaper-Rinkel del Instituto Austríaco de Tecnología.

PSR_CIECTIAssessing the impacts of the industrial internet-of-things and developing policy options for production & society in the future

(Lecture & Seminar in Buenos Aires, 12.02.2015, Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CIECTI), Ministerio de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación Productiva de la Nación)

Whether you call it the Industrial Internet of Things or Industry 4.0: Industry/policy initiatives in Europa promise to change the very nature of manufacturing. Future production aim to integrate customers and business partners, and will be monitoring nearly everything in every situation. With the concept of Industry 4.0, European industry actors started to promote a vision of the industrial internet-of-things in the future. Production and consumption as well as the world of work and society would change through the “fourth industrial revolution”. For its industrial promoters, the development towards Industry 4.0 is the biggest driver of productivity and growth in the next decade. The promise is to improve productivity, reduce operating costs and to address Grand Challenges from climate change to individualized medicine. This presentation will present different research perspective on assessing the impacts of the industrial internet-of-things and developing policy options for production & society in the future.

  • Technology Assessment • Policy Analysis
  • Innovation Studies Foresight This presentation takes a critical look at the promises of industry 4.0 and on long-term societal demands on industrial 4.0. It draws on approaches from Foresight and Science and Technology Studies (STS).