How Can We Go Forward into Something We’re Not Sure of?  Wie können wir etwas angehen, das mit so vielen Unsicherheiten verbunden ist? Plenary Session European Forum Alpbach am Freitag, 26 August 2022, 19:00 Uhr 

Mit großem Vergnügen in Alpbach: Eingeladen von Gerald Bast, Rektor der Universität für angewandte Kunst Wien um mit ihm und der Autorin Raphaela Edelbauer über die Frage zu sprechen: „How Can…

White Paper on Technology Assessment and Socio-Technical Futures

Technology Assessment of Socio-Technical Futures. Andreas Lösch, Knud Böhle, Christopher Coenen, Paulina Dobroc, Reinhard Heil, Armin Grunwald, Dirk Scheer, Christoph Schneider, Arianna Ferrari, Dirk Hommrich, Martin Sand, Stefan C. Aykut, Sascha Dickel, Daniela Fuchs, Karen Kastenhofer, Helge Torgersen, Bruno Gransche, Alexandra Hausstein, Kornelia Konrad, Alfred Nordmann, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ingo Schulz-Schaeffer, Alexander Wentland, (2019) Technology…

Technologie im Gespräch: Künstliche Intelligenz Interview zu künstlicher Intelligenz im Jahrbuch zu den Alpbacher Technologiegesprächen

Matthias WEBER / Petra SCHAPER-RINKEL | »Unsere Fähigkeit, sich unser zukünftiges gesellschaftliches Leben vorzustellen, ist begrenzt« Interview in: Technologie im Gespräch 2018 – Künstliche Intelligenz: Jahrbuch der Alpbacher Technologiegespräche 2018…

Triggering transformative change through innovation? New approaches in innovation policy and the limits of future change Presentation 19.09.2018: 2nd STS Austria Conference “Innovation and Societal Transformation: Science, Democracy, and Sustainable Futures”

Conference Presentation: Alpen-Adria-Universität Klagenfurt, 2nd STS Austria Conference “Innovation and Societal Transformation: Science, Democracy, and Sustainable Futures” Abstract Petra Schaper Rinkel: In innovation policy research, new concepts are rapidly developing…

BOHEMIA Final Report

Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies Our Foresight Study to support shaping Horizon Europe is completed: "Beyond the Horizon: foresight in support of future EU research and innovation policy" (BOHEMIA)

Transitions on the Horizon: Perspectives for the European Union’s future research and innovation policies. Final report from project BOHEMIA Beyond the horizon: Foresight in support of the EU’s future research…

Visionary and collaborative research in Europe. Pathways to impact of use-inspired basic research Abschlussbericht des EU Projekts FET Traces erschienen

Bernd Beckert, Petra Schaper-Rinkel, Ulrich Schmoch und Dana Wasserbacher 2018. Visionary and collaborative research in Europe. Pathways to impact of use-inspired basic research.   Executive Summary Breakthrough research with high…

Presentation @ EU SPRI in Vienna: Three Approaches to integrate Technological Innovation and Social Innovation Responsible Research and Innovation, Science with and for Society, and Sustainable Development Goals

Current policy considerations about turning research, technology and innovation policy towards societal challenges include at the same time approaches to integrate technological Innovation and social innovation.  Prominent approaches in the…

European sectoral innovation foresight: Identifying emerging cross-sectoral patterns and policy issues Article February 2017, published in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change

K. Matthias Weber / Petra Schaper-Rinkel, European sectoral innovation foresight: Identifying emerging cross-sectoral patterns and policy issues, Technological Forecasting and Social Change,Volume 115,  February 2017, Pages 240–250 Highlights Identifies…

Futuring, visioneering, anticipation: Knowledge Objects in the governance of emerging technologies

Schaper-Rinkel, P. (30.07.2014) Futuring, visioneering, anticipation:  Knowledge Objects in the governance of emerging technologies, Keynote lecture at the Interdisciplinary International Graduate Summer School, „The Regulative Capacity of Knowledge Objects: Opening…

Journal article 2013: The role of future-oriented technology analysis in the governance of emerging technologies: The example of nanotechnology

Petra Schaper-Rinkel The role of future-oriented technology analysis in the governance of emerging technologies: The example of nanotechnology, in: Technological Forecasting and Social Change, Volume 80, Issue 3, March…

Summary Report: The future of Open Collaborative Research

Bernd Beckert/Michael Friedewald (Fraunhofer ISI) Petra Schaper-Rinkel /Matthias Weber (Austrian Institute of Technology AIT), Marc van Lieshout / Annelieke van der Giessen / Miriam Leis (TNO) Report published „Share your…

The role of Foresight and Future-Oriented Technology Analysis in the Governance of Emerging Technologies (Presentation: Future-Oriented Technology Analysis FTA-Conference in Sevilla, 12-13 May 2011)

Petra Schaper-Rinkel The role of Foresight and Future-Oriented Technology Analysis in the Governance of Emerging Technologies: The Example of Nanotechnology Future-Oriented Technology Analysis FTA-Conference in Sevilla, 12-13 May 2011 The…

June 2010: EFP-Kickoff Conference – Foresight and Forward Looking Activities – Exploring New European Perspectives

(Conference Concept and concept of Sessions: Petra Schaper-Rinkel) Conference program & documentation: Objectives of the Sessions Session 1: Looking back and looking forward: Thinking, debating and shaping the future…